Meet the Team


Who We are and What We Do

Decolonizes harm reduction and offering culturally safe health care are at the centre of what we do. As Indigenous people we recognize the importance of building accountable, respectful, and long-lasting relationships to local nations, territory and one another. We are a group who work alongside peer outreach responders who have lived experiences with street communities, and we meet people where they are at. 

Meet the team.

Basil (he/him)

Peer Responder

Basil is from the Mowachaht- Muchalaht First Nations. He has lived in Lekwungen territories for three years. His favorite foods are chicken and ribs. His recreational activities include gaming, chilling, and hanging out at the mall. He has been working in harm reduction for three years. He is proud to help and spread the love as he received love and support and it feels good to give back. He enjoys the friendships he has made and community that he lives in.  

Billy (he/him)

Peer Responder

Billy is proud full blooded Coast Salish, born and raised on Vancouver Island. His mom’s side is Pauquachin First Nation on Cooper Island and his dad’s side is from the Tsartlip First Nation in Brentwood Bay. He is very proud of his two daughters and he also has a beautiful granddaughter who melts his heart. His favorite foods are Indian Tacos and breaded almond chicken from Ocean Garden. He has worked in harm reduction for a two and a half years. It makes his heart feel happy to help others after all the help he has received.

Chass (he/him)

Peer Responder

Chass is Coast Salish and Blackfoot and has lived in Lekwengun territory his whole life. He is a Leo and loves to eat seafood. He has been working in harm reduction for two years. He loves helping others and it feels good to connect with all the family and friends he has made over the years.

Jamie (she/her)

Peer Support Worker

Jamie is from the Plains Cree Nation; her family originates from the Alberta and Manitoba areas and are residential school survivors. She was born and raised in lək̓ʷəŋən territory. Jamie loves seafood.  She has been with Peers for four years and loves working in harm reduction because the need is great. She is a dedicated advocator to getting those needs met in the community. She is known as a nurturer and “Mom” at the housing site where she works, but she does run a tight ship.

Sylvia (she/her)

Peer Responder

Sylvia is Nu Chul nath her mother is from Ahousat Nation and her father is from Gold River. She grew up and lived in Lekwungen Territories since she was a teenager. She loves traditional seafood and sharing those foods with family. She’s been in harm reduction for two years. She loves connecting with the street family and supporting and giving back to them. 


Ange (she/her)

Peer Coordinator | Housing Support 250-217-2180

Ange is Cree/ Metis from the Swan River First Nation in Alberta. She studied at Camosun College and has a certificate in Indigenous Family Support and Diploma in Community, Family and Child Studies. She has lived in the beautiful Lekwungen Territories for eleven years with her three children.

Justina (she/her)

Culture & Wellness Coordinator | 250-514-3097

Justina Seymour is from the Tsartlip First Nation. She has completed the Indigenous Family Support Certificate Program through Camosun. Justina has also completed the Certificate and Diploma with UVic on Language Proficiency and Revitalization. Justina takes great pride in Coast Salish Culture and is always willing to help with culture.

Christie (she/her)

Sunday Night Outreach Coordinator |Support Worker

Christie is a member of the Namgis Nation located in present day Alert Bay. She has been living in lək̓ʷəŋən territories most of her life while supporting folks who have or are currently experiencing homelessness and/or being precariously housed. Her passion is to build strong relationships with the street family while offering social and cultural supports when appropriate.  She is in her second year at Camosun College studying Criminology. She hopes to work as a probation officer utilizing her skills and knowledge to support Indigenous folks who are engaged with the justice system.

Vanessa (she/her)

Harm Reduction Coordinator | 250-800-3917

Vanessa is just happy to be here. She’s ts’msyen from metlakatla First Nation on her dad’s side and all the ish’s (Scottish/Irish/English) on her moms side. She is so grateful to be able to do work with QomQem and is committed to upholding accessibility and sustainability for all the wonderful services they provide. She’s been with Peers for almost a decade,and has been with QomQem for two years. She has a diploma in mental health and addictions and hopes to prioritize culture, revitalization and decolonization in her practice.

Deb She/her

Sexual Assault Services (SAS) Indigenous Coordinator

Bio to come.


Victor (he/him)

Indigenous Outreach & Men’s Wellness Coordinator | 250-217-2393

NE SNA S’XA-XUL-TUN SEYMOUR from QUW’UTSUN , STZ’UMINUS RESERVES , my borrowed name is Victor Seymour , grew up on STZ’UMAINUS Bay Reserve, and I have Lived on Tsartlip Reserve for twenty six years now. Happily Married, and I’ve been working in Harm Reduction for one year, enjoy it. Victor goes out on outreach and run’s Men’s Groups.

I enjoy watching Hockey, Lacrosse, like most foods, but like Chinese the best /most.

Lacey (she/her)

Program Director |

Lacey Jones is from the Snuneymuxw Nation on her mother’s side and has ancestry to Wales and Germany on her father’s side. She is a mother to two daughters and one stepson. Lacey has completed both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in Political Science from the University of Victoria. She has been in the helping/support worker field for nearly seven years and has been working outreach for several years. She feels honored and blessed to have met so many beautiful relatives and people over the years

Mary She/Her

Program Manager |

She is from Alderville First Nation, a michi saagiig nishnaabeg community located in southern Ontario. She has been living as a guest on lək̓ʷəŋən territory for four years. Mary graduated from the Child and Youth Care program at the University of Victoria. She has several years of experience working as a support and resource for Indigenous communities and organizations.



we Also have our S A C R E D Team